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Airy Core offers a WebSocket server that allows clients to connect and receive near real-time updates.

The WebSocket server uses the STOMP protocol endpoint at /ws.communication.

Event Payloads

All event updates are sent to the /events queue as JSON encoded payloads. The type field informs the client of the kind of update that is encoded in the payload.


"type": "message.updated",
"payload": {
"conversation_id": "{UUID}",
"channel_id": "{UUID}",
"message": {
"id": "{UUID}",
// source message payload
"content": {"text": "Hello World"},
// delivery state of message, one of pending, failed, delivered
"delivery_state": "pending|failed|delivered",
"from_contact": true,
//'yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZ' date in UTC form, to be localized by clients
"sent_at": "{string}",
// one of the possible sources
"source": "{String}",
// details about the sender
"sender": {
"id": "github:12345" // For unauthenticated instances this defaults to "airy-core-anonymous"


Includes the full and current state of a metadata object given a namespace-identifier pair

Sample payload

"type": "metadata.updated",

"payload": {
"subject": "conversation|channel|message",
"identifier": "conversation/channel/message id",
"metadata": {
// nested metadata object. I.e. for a conversation:
"contact": {
"displayName": "Grace"
"isUserTyping": true


"type": "channel.updated",

"payload": {
"id": "{UUID}",
"source": "facebook",
"source_channel_id": "fb-page-id-1",
"connected": true // or false


"type": "tag.updated",

"payload": {
"id": "{UUID}",
"name": "flag",
"color": "tag-red"


Includes the current status of a component

Sample payload

"type": "component.updated",
"payload": {
"subject": "component",
"identifier": "component name",
"metadata": {
"installationStatus": "pending | uninstalled | installed"