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We address the main use case of a messaging platform with conversations, channels and messages. However, this is not enough for users to address the wide variety of messaging workflows that exist such as automating and suggesting replies, attaching contact information etc.

For this reason we introduced an extension to the data model that we call metadata. Metadata in the context of the Airy Core platform is an optional document you can attach to a subject, which consists of a namespace i.e. "conversation" and an identifier within that namespace i.e. the conversation id.

Our HTTP APIs expose this metadata, see for instance the conversation.metadata field, and it can be streamed via the websocket and webhook.


A metadata subject consists of a namespace, such as conversation, and a namespace identifier, which is the identifier that uniquely identifies the entity that the metadata is bound to within the namespace.

Therefore, the subject of a conversation with id 123 would be conversation:123.


The document model can be seen as a series of Key-Value update pairs. Doing so makes it possible for clients to update metadata without necessarily having access to the full document, which is a useful property in distributed streaming systems.

Therefore, we store each metadata document internally as a series of metadata records, where the key uses JSON dot notation to reflect nested data. Take for instance the following series of metadata records for a conversation:


The API payloads expose this list as the following metadata document:

"contact": {
"first_name": "Grace",
"last_name": "Hopper"
"state": "open"


We don't aim to perfectly map granular JSON updates to this data model, so here are a few limitations to be aware of when developing against airy metadata:

  • JSON arrays are stored as a single value. So concurrent writes to the same key will overwrite each other.
  • All numbers are parsed back with Java Double precision