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Configure your Airy Core instance

Use an airy.yaml configuration file to customize your Airy Core instance

The configuration workflow is as simple as:

$EDITOR /path/to/config/directory/airy.yaml # edit your airy.yaml file
airy config apply --workspace /path/to/config/directory/ # apply your config

Your Airy Core instance will start and stop components according to your configuration. For example, if you do not wish to start Facebook components, it is enough not to provide any Facebook specific configuration.


If you installed Airy with Helm, then you need to setup your workspace directory, before you can use the CLI.

Now let's have a look at the different sections so you can make the changes you are looking for.


These settings are used to connect the Airy Components to your Kafka cluster:

  • kafka

    • brokers comma separated list of the broker endpoints
    • zookeepers comma separated list of the zookeeper endpoints
    • schemaRegistryUrl url to the Schema Registry
    • commitInterval the Kafka Commit Interval if you are using the included Helm chart
    • authJaas the JAAS configuration used to authenticate to remote Kafka clusters. Read more.


  • ingress-controller

    • https set to true to enable HTTPS
    • loadbalancerAnnotations list of annotations used to configure the LoadBalancer pointing to the ingress controller, in cloud environment (for AWS the following annotation is added by default: nlb )
    • letsencryptEmail the e-mail address used for Let's Encrypt registration, when using HTTPS.


  • systemToken set to a long secure secret to use for machine API authentication
  • allowedOrigins your site's origin to prevent CORS-based attacks (default: "*")
  • oidc a map of values that when set enable and define OIDC authentication
  • jwtSecret used to create jwt http sessions derived from oidc authentication (default: randomized on installation)


  • sources

    • facebook
      • appId set this to your Facebook App ID
      • appSecret set this to your Facebook App Secret
      • webhookSecret set this to a webhook secret of your choice (optional)
    • google
      • saFile copy here the content of your Google service account key file (one line json string)
      • partnerKey set this to your Google partner key
    • twilio
      • authToken set this to your Twilio authentication token
      • accountSid set this to your Twilio account SID
    • viber
      • authToken set this to your Viber authentication token

    The Airy Controller only starts configured sources. To keep system load to a minimum, only add the sources you are using.

  • integration

    • webhook
      • name set this to the name of your webhook integration
  • media

    • storage
      • s3Key set this to your AWS S3 access key id
      • s3Secret set this to your AWS S3 secret access key (The bucket needs to have PublicRead privileges)
      • s3Bucket set this to your AWS S3 bucket
      • s3Region set this to your AWS region
      • s3Path set this to your AWS S3 path


  • global

    • host set this to your Host
    • ingress
      • letsencrypt set this to true if you are using LetsEncrypt in your ingress-controller


These settings are used to enable or disable some external tools used to monitor or debug the Airy Core.

  • akhq Kafka GUI for Apache Kafka (For more information visit
    • enabled set to either true to start AKHQ or false (default) to disable it
  • segment Tracking tool that tracks anonymous usage of the platform
    • enabled set to false if you want to disable tracking

Example airy.yaml file

For example, if you want to enable Facebook and Google sources, as well as the webhook integration, and the AKHQ tool, your airy.yaml file should look like this:

ngrokEnabled: true
https: false
allowedOrigins: "*"
systemToken: "my-token-for-the-api"
jwtSecret: "generated-secret-during-installation"
appId: "fb-app-id"
appSecret: "fb-app-secret"
webhookSecret: "my-webhook-secret"
saFile: '{"type": "service_account","project_id": "my-project","private_key_id": "my-private-key-id","private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nKEY-DATA-\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n","client_email": "some-e-mail","client_id": "client-id",....}'
partnerKey: "gl-private-key"
name: webhook
enabled: true

Applying the configuration

If you made changes in airy.yaml and want to apply it to your instance you can use the airy config apply by running the following Airy CLI command.

airy config apply --workspace /path/to/config/directory/